
Elevate your sales with our innovative tool that analyzes product reviews! Improve customer satisfaction and boost your sales with our product review analysis tool.

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What We Offer

Discover the Path to Solution

Our project reporting area allows you to track product reviews in real time and evaluate them with detailed analyses. Our user-friendly interface helps you make strategic decisions.

All in this

  • Sentiment Analysis of Reviews (Positive - Negative)
  • Most Common Word Groups
  • Reviews by Seller
  • Reviews by Star Rating
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Steps to Success

The following steps demonstrate the ease of use and integration of our technological solution.

Sign Up

Register on our system and create a user account. After completing the registration, you can start the process.

Upload Product Information

Upload the XML file or URL of your products to start fetching reviews from marketplaces.

View and Filter Reviews

View analyzed reviews and filter them based on your desired criteria to get detailed reports.

Publish Module on Your Website

Integrate the ready module into your website and start using it immediately.


Screenshots that provide information about the operation and results


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